Jumat, 15 April 2011

Fakta justin bieber


 Fakta Tentang Justin Bieber

Fakta-fakta Justin Bieber ini FIANZONER dapatkan dari berbagai sumber. Semoga terhibur...

Nama Lengkap: Justin Drew Bieber

Lahir di Stratford, Ontario, Kanada 

Saat ini tinggal di Atlanta, Georgia

Birthday: 1 Maret 1994

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Nama Ibunya adalah Patty Mallette

Nama Ayahnya adalah Jeremy Bieber

Dia memiliki seekor anjing bernama Sammy (Pappillion)

Best Friend: Butler Ryan yang muncul dalam Video klip "One Time" bersama Justin

Youtube Account: Kidrauhl 

 Makanan Favorit: Spaghetti

Favorite Candy: Sour Patch Kids

Warna Favorite: Biru

Warna Favorite Untuk dipakai : Ungu
 Celebrity Crush: Beyonce

Music Favorite: R&B dan Pop

Artis Favorite: Usher, Michael Jackson, BoysIImen, Stevie Wonder

Nomor Favorite: 6

Favorite Pasta gigi: Colgate

Dia sikat gigi di kamar mandi

Acara favorit: Smallville

Favorite Movie: Rocky

Olahraga Favorite : Sepak Bola 

 Dia mulai belajar nge-drum pada usia 12 tahun

Kata-kata Favorite: "shawty" 

Ukuran sepatu: 7 - 7 1 / 2

Tinggi: 5 '3 1 / 2 "

Dia memiliki IPK 4,0

Dia bersekolah di rumah 

Dia fasih berbahasa Perancis

Sebelum ia mulai bernyanyi, ia ingin menjadi pemain hoki profesional seperti idolanya Wayne Gretskey

Dia pernah ditanya Rihanna untuk berkencan, tapi dia menolaknya

Cara ia bermain piano, drum, terompet dan gitar dengan menggunakan tangan kiri

Pelajaran terbaiknya : Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris

 Dia tidak menyukai cokelat (Tapi mencintai Twix)

Dia bisa memecahkan kubus rubix di bawah satu menit

 Merek Sepatu Favorit: Supra

Dia tidak memakai hairspray

Dia membutuhkan waktu 10 menit untuk bersiap-siap

Dia meniup rambutnya supaya kering 

Film Romantis Favorite nya : A Walk To Remember

Ia takut pada eskalator 

Ketika ia berumur 7 tahun , dia bermain "Petak Umpet" dengan sepupunya. Sepupunya menutup dirinya dalam kotak mainan dan ia terjebak di sana.

Pertama pada usia 13 tahun, di sebuah sekolah dance. Ibunya berkata bahwa ia harus berciuman saat berumur 16 tahun

Moment Paling Memalukan: Dia sedang kencan dengan seorang gadis di sebuah restoran Italia dan ia 
mengenakan kemeja putih. Dia memesan spaghetti dan tumpah di bagian depan kemejanya, Mereka tidak keluar lagi.

Yang dia suka dari seorang gadis : Sebuah senyuman yang baik dan mata cantik dan kepribadian yang besar, dan rasa humor.

Sejauh ini, dia udah berpacaran tiga kali.pacar pertamanya dan yang paling dikenal adalah Caitlin Beadles.

 Dia berteman baik dengan Selena Gomez dan mereka saling bertukar nomor handphone. 

Fakta Unik Tentang Justin Bieber (pt1)

          -yang udah seharusnya kalian taw, sebelon bergabung dengan Island, kepunyaannya Usher, sebenernya dia juga ditaksir ama Justin Timberlake.
-maen gitar, maen basket, tanda tangan, semua pake tangan kiri.karena dia emang kidalist.tapi, meskipun kidal, sebenernya dia bisa menggunakan tangan kanannya buat maen gitar.( ‘When I started playing, I used a right-handed one ‘cause that’s what my mom had.’ On how he styles his beautiful hair: ‘After I get out of the shower, I blow dry my hair and just shake it and it goes like that!‘)
-dia nyikat giginya di shower dengan pasta gigi colgate.
-punya 3 temen baik, dan yang terbaik menurutnya adalah Ryan Butler(cowo yang ada di viclipnys justin bieber yang one time, saat maen ps)
-dia juga berteman baik dengan Selena Gomez.dan mereka udah saling bertukar nomer hp.
-kata favoritenya adalah ‘shawty’ yang dalem bahasa Indonesianya artinya sahutan.
-dia lancar berbahasa Perancis.
-dia ngrekam lagu One Less Lonely Girl dalam bahasa Prancis.
-pertama kali ngedate pada saat umur 11-12 an.n’ ciuman pertamanya pada saat berumur 13, di sekolah dansa.tapi, keknya ngedate pertamanya ga’ berkesan apa2, karena dia bilang dia cuman maen papan luncur karena pada saat itu suasananya lagi turun salju.( It wasn’t really a date. It was snowing so we just went sledding downhill.)
-sejauh ini, dia udah berpacaran tiga kali.pacar pertamanya dan yang paling dikenal adalah Caitlin Beadles.
-pernah nipu ibunya perihal nilai ulangannya yang jelek.nilai ulangannya yang mestinya F diganti dia jadi B pake pulpen guru, biar pas ibunya nandatanganin nilai ulangannya yang jelek, dia ga diamukin .kayak anak normal pada umumnya banget ya. (I tell a lot of lies! A couple of years ago I had an F grade on a test at school, but I turned it into a B with the teacher’s pen! My mom had to sign that she’s seen it before I took it back to school, so she had no idea how bad it actually was!’)
-(jahat banged) dia mutusin ceweknya lewat telepon, sampe2 ceweknya nangis.( ‘Yes, I broke up with a girl that way once. That’s terrible, isn’t it? We got into an argument during a phone call so I basically said, ‘I don’t wanna be with you and more,’ and she cried. I saw her after that and it was a bit awkward, but we’re not enemies now, so that’s cool.’)
-dia sekolah dengan sistem homeschooling kek artis kebanyakan.
-banyak orang yang suka’ sama gaya rambutnya justin bieber.sampe2, kalo interview, banyak juga yang nanyain bagemana cara dia ‘mendandani’ rambutnya.dan ternyata, simple banged, dia cuman ngucek rambutnya, dan jadi dech rambut ala bieber.(cek video MTV Bieber Diary)
- kalo diberi 3 permintaan hal yang bakal diminta bieber antara laen:permintaan yang tidak terbatas (maksudnya permintaan yang ga’ ada habisnya), kedua, pengen terbang, ketiga, mulia banged nich ceritanya, pengen menghapuskan kemiskinan.
-dia seorang claustrophobic, n takut ama elevator. (‘I’m a really claustrophobic person. I hate elevators, especially crammed elevators. I get really scared!’)
-ternyata, fansnya bieber dan jonas brother saling bermusuhan.tapi, bermusuhannya karena apa, saia juga ga taw.

Fakta JB

Fakta tentang Justin Bieber

Okey guys, kali ini aku mau ngasi tau aja deh fakta-fakta tentang justin bieber walau cuma sedikit doang. Yaps, let's we start
-Favorit makanan Justin bieber itu spaghetti (kalo aku gak suka)
-Favorit minumannya tuh OJ a.k.a orange juice (kali ini aku lumayan suka)
-Tingginya 5'3 (dulu, skarang belom aku ukur lagi :D)
-Warna favoritnya Biru
-Angka keberuntungannya? 6!
-TTL 1 Maret 1994 (beda 2 taon ama aku)
-Mimpinya yang entah udah tercapai atau belum itu duet bareng Beyonce
-Acara favorit tvnya tuh Smallville (aku aja belom pernah nonton)
-Justin biasanya sikat gigi di shower bukan di wastafel (sori gak penting, aku juga :D)
-Lebih suka pake Mac daripada PC
-Justin gak suka coklat tapi suka Twix (aku gak tau Twix tuh apaan)
-Dia dapet anjing dari fansnya (aku juga mauu,, tapi aku kucing aja deh)
-Ayahnya Justin Bieber main gitar, Ibunya nyanyi. Bener-bener keluarga musik ya
-Justin Bieber tuh SINGLE (tapi ya suka main bareng cewe)
-Justin selalu berdoa sebelum konser
-Aku gak tau justin bieber masih perjaka atau gak
-Zodiaknya itu Pisces
-Dia punya 4.0 GPA! WOw.. aku juga mau
-Ciuman pertamanya umur 13 (aku belom dapet ciuman pertama :D)
-Setiap ke NYC dia pasti main basket
-Pelajaran yang paling dia kuasai itu matematika dan bahasa inggris
-Favorit sepatunya itu Supra (emang tuh spatu keren banget)
                             Ini dia salah 1 model sepatu Supra!
-Favorit permennya tuh Sour Patch Kids (belom perna nyoba, kapan2 kalo keluar negri beli deh!)
-Tempat favorit Justin buat kencan tuh PANTAI (sama aku aja ya)
-Lagu favoritnya yang pernah dia buat itu Down To Earth (lumayan bagus lah)
-Justin suka mainin Xbox 360 nya
-Restauran favorit doi buat kencan itu King's Buffet (aku mau kesana bareng dia )
-Minuman soda favoritnya tuh Sprite (aku lebih suka coca cola)
-Kencan pertamanya pas umur 13 tahun
-Justin bisa main hokey, bola basket (hebat banget malah), golf, sepak bola, dan skate board!! (skate boardnya keren banget lho)
-Justin punya 2 poster dirinya di dinding kamarnya. Ckckck justin narsis juga ya -_-
-Justin suka masakan italia

-Justin ga sekolah tapi homeschooling. Pas tur dia juga tetep sekolah di kamar hotelnya.
-Lagu favorit nya di album My World 2.0 is Up (kalo aku That Should Be me)
-Justin masi mikir kalo dia itu anak remaja biasa (tapi kenyataannya enggak kan)
-Justin dilahirin pas ibunya berumur 17 taun (lahir di luar nikah nih. Ckckck. Lagi-lagi gara-gara pergaulan bebas)
-Justin bilang kalo dia dapet 20.000 DM sehari (ckckck. Aku sehari cuma kirim dia DM sekali lho)
-Justin mau kok kencan sama cewek mana aja, termasuk fansnya. (waaa,, aku donggg)
- Rencananya, Justin bakalan ngundang 25 fansnya yang beruntung ke ulang tahunnya yang ke 17. *waw, doain itu aku ya*
-Film kartu kesukaannya Justin itu Spongebob Squarepants
- OMB tuh plesetan dari OMG yang artinya Oh My Belieber

Fakta Bieber yang paling penting adalah belum tentu semua #bieberfact ini benar =)

Cukup sekian dulu deh faktanya. Tapi lain hari aku lanjutin. Capek ngetiknya soalnya ada 2 halaman yang tersisa. See ya.

Fakta Tentang Justin Bieber

ingin tahu tentang fakta justin bieber klik disini

Kamis, 14 April 2011

lirik lagu Jonas Brothers


song Britney Spears

Britney Spears - The Answer Lyrics
I’ve been waiting for you
So patiently
And now you’re here
You’re my answer
Thank you (Yeah)
I think you’re my answer
Uh, Here I go
You’re the answer
All this time I’ve tried to find you
I’ve been yearnin’ (I’ve been yearning inside)
You’re the answer to the question that’s been burning (I’ve been burning inside)
When they ask me who I love
You’re the answer (You’re my answer)
You’re my answer
Patiently I’ve waited for this day to finally come
Knowing someday somehow I would find that special one
Someone perfect, someone true, someone that I knew, was you (I knew it was you)
Who can hold me tight, keep me warm, through the night
Who can wipe my tears, when it’s wrong, make it right
Who can give me love, ’til I’m satisfied
Who’s the one I need in my life
You’re the answer
All this time I’ve tried to find you
I’ve been yearnin’ (I’ve been yearning inside)
You’re the answer to the question that’s been burning (I’ve been burning inside)
When they ask me who I love
You’re the answer (You’re the answer baby)
You’re my answer
I can hardly speak because I’m underneath your spell
Saving every moment that I have you to myself
Putting my love to the test
‘Cause baby this is destiny (Yeah, This is destiny)
Who can hold me tight, keep me warm, through the night
You can wipe my tears, when its wrong, make it right
You can give me love, ’til I’m satisfied
You’re the one I need in my life
You’re the answer
All this time I’ve tried to find you
I’ve been yearnin’ (I’ve been yearning)
You’re the answer to the question that’s been burning (I’ve been burning inside)
When they ask me who I love
You’re the answer (You’re my answer)
You’re my answer (You’re my answer)
You’re the answer (Yeah)
All this time I’ve tried to find you
I’ve been yearnin’ (I’ve been yearning for you)
You’re the answer to the question that’s been burning (Burning)
When they ask me who I love
You’re the answer (You’re the answer)
You’re my answer
Who can hold me tight, keep me warm, through the night?
Who can wipe my tears, when it’s wrong, make it right?
Who can give me love, ’til I’m satisfied?
Who’s the one I need in my life? (You’re my answer)
You’re the answer (You’re the answer)
All this time I’ve tried to find you
I’ve been yearnin’ (I’ve been yearning)
You’re the answer to the question that’s been burnin’ (That’s been burning)
When they ask me who I love
You’re the answer (The answer baby)
You’re my answer
You’re the answer (You’re my answer
You’re my answer, You’re My answer)
Yeah, you’re my answer


Britney Spears - 3 Lyrics

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

Britney Spears - 3 Lyrics

1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin’ down with 3P
Everybody loves ***

Babe, pick a night
To come out and play
If it’s alright
What do you say?

Merrier the more
Triple fun that way
Twister on the floor
What do you say?

Are - you in
Livin’ in sin is the new thing (yeah)
Are - you in
I am countin’!

1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin’ down with 3P
Everybody loves ***

Three is a charm
Two is not the same
I don’t see the harm
So are you game?

Lets’ make a team
Make ‘em say my name
Lovin’ the extreme
Now are you game?

Are - you in
Livin’ in sin is the new thing
Are - you in
I am countin’!

1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin’ down with 3P

1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin’ down with 3P
Everybody loves ***

Babe, pick a night
To come out and play
If it’s alright
What do you say?

Merrier the more
Triple fun that way
Twister on the floor
What do you say?

Are - you in
Livin’ in sin is the new thing (yeah)
Are - you in
I am countin’!

1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin’ down with 3P
Everybody loves ***

Three is a charm
Two is not the same
I don’t see the harm
So are you game?

Lets’ make a team
Make ‘em say my name
Lovin’ the extreme
Now are you game?

Are - you in
Livin’ in sin is the new thing
Are - you in
I am countin’!

1, 2, 3
Not only you and me
Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between
1, 2, 3
Peter, Paul & Mary
Gettin’ down with 3P
Everybody loves ***

What we do is innocent
Just for fun and nothin’ meant
If you don’t like the company
Let’s just do it you and me
You and me…
Or three….
Or four….
- On the floor!

Everybody loves ***
What we do is innocent
Just for fun and nothin’ meant
If you don’t like the company
Let’s just do it you and me
You and me…
Or three….
Or four….
- On the floor!


Britney Spears - Unusual You Lyrics

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Britney Spears - Unusual You Lyrics

Nothing about you is typical
Nothing about you is predictable
You’ve got me all twisted and confused
(It’s all new)
Up til now, I thought I knew love
Nothing to lose and its damaged cause
Patterns will fall as quick as I do, but now

Bridges are burning
Baby I’m learning, a new way of thinking now
Love I can see, nothing will be, just like it was
Is that because?

Baby you’re so unusual
Didn’t anyone tell you, you’re supposed to, break my heart?
I expect you to, so why haven’t you?
Maybe you’re not even human cause
Only an angel can be so unusual
Sweet surprise, I could get used to
Unusual You

Been so many things when i was someone else
Boxer in the ring trying to defend myself
In the private eye to see what’s going on
(That’s long gone)
When I’m with you, i can just be myself
You’re always where you say you will be
Shocking cause i never knew love like this could exist

Tables are turning
My heart is soaring, You’ll never let me down
Answer my call, here after all
Never met anyone like you

Baby you’re so unusual
Didn’t anyone tell you, you’re supposed to, break my heart?
I expect you to, so why haven’t you?
Maybe you’re not even human cause
Only an angel can be so unusual
Sweet surprise, I could get used to
Unusual You

Can’t believe that I almost didn’t try
When you called my name
Now everything has changed

Baby you’re so unusual
Didn’t anyone tell you, you’re supposed to, break my heart?
I expect you to, so why haven’t you?
Maybe you’re not even human cause
Only an angel can be so unusual
Sweet surprise, I could get used to
Unusual You


Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy Lyrics

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Britney Spears - If U Seek Amy Lyrics

Oh baby baby
Have you seen Amy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom
Is she smokin’ up outside

Oh baby baby
Does she take a piece of lime
For the drink that Imma buy her
Do you know just what she likes

Oh Oh
Tell me have you seen her
Because I’m so
I can’t get her off of my brain

I just want to go to the party she gon’ go
Can somebody take me home
Haha hehe haha ho

Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can’t you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

(f**k me, f**k me)

Amy told me that she’s gonna meet me up
I don’t know where or when and now they’re closing up the club

I’ve seen her once or twice before she knows my face
But it’s hard to see with all the people standing in the way

Oh oh
Tell me have you seen her
‘Cause I’m so
I can’t get her off of my brain

I just want to go to the party she’s gonna go
Can somebody take me home
Haha hehe haha ho

Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can’t you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

Say what you want about me
But can’t you see what I see
Say what you want about me

So tell me if you’ve seen her (let me know what she was wearing and what she was like)
Cause I’ve been waiting here forever (let me know what she ws going out of mind)
Oh baby baby
If You Seek Amy tonight
Oh baby baby
We’ll do whatever you like
Oh baby baby baby
Oh baby baby baby


Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can’t you seek what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
Say what you want about me (yeah)
Love me hate me
But can’t you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

Oh (love me hate me)
Say what you want about me
But can’t you see what I see (love me hate me)
Oh Say what you want about me

All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to If You Seek Amy

Britney Spears - Circus Lyrics

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Britney Spears - Circus Lyrics

There’s only two types of people in the world
The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe
Well baby I’m a put-on-a-show kinda girl
Don’t like the backseat, gotta be first (oh, oh)
I’m like the ringleader
I call the shots (call the shots)
I’m like a firecracker
I make it hot (make it hot)
I run a tight ship, even though
I go with the flow
Now here’s a hot tip (list- listen in)
Get get a front seat when i put on a show

I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah)
Spotlight on me and i’m ready to break (hah, hah, hah)
I’m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah)
Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah)

All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho)

There’s only two types of guys out there,
Ones that can handle me, and the mamma boys are too scared
But if I brought one down to my lair
He’d never wanna leave, just sit and stare (oh, oh, oh)
I’m like the candy floss
I’m bad for you (bad for you)
I’m just the elephant
In the room (in the room)
And when it’s rainin’, you can come
Under my big tent
No need for your umbrella (ella ella)
You’ll like this better, cos it’s the big event (ahhh)

I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah)
Spotlight on me and i’m ready to break (hah, hah, hah)
I’m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah)
Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah)

All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)

I been doin’ this show all my life
It’s part of who I am
Ain’t nobody know what it’s like
Maybe I’m a slave 4 u but
Baby I love what I do
‘Cuz I’m the ringleader
I call the shots (call the shots)
Yes I’m a firecracker
I make it hot (make it hot)
I run a tight ship, even though
I go with the flow
Now here’s a hot tip (list- listen in)
Get get a front seat when i put on a show

I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah)
Spotlight on me and i’m ready to break (hah, hah, hah)
I’m like a performer, the dancefloor is my stage (hah, hah, hah)
Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah)

All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
When i crack that whip, everybody gonna trip
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
Don’t stand there watching me, follow me
Show me what you can do
Everybody let go, we can make a dancefloor
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho)


Britney Spears - Womanizer Lyrics

Saturday, October 11th, 2008

Britney Spears - Womanizer Lyrics

Where you from, how’s it going?
I know you
Gotta clue, what you’re doing?
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Look at you
Gettin’ more than just re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin’ like a good one, but I call ‘em like I see ‘em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

Boy, don’t try to front
I know just what you are

You got the swagger of champions
Too bad for you
Just can’t find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, but that’s who you are, baby

Must mistake me as a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I’m ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby

Maybe if we both lived in a different world
It would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girl
But I can’t ’cause we don’t

Britney Spears - Piece Of Me Lyrics

Saturday, November 17th, 2007

Britney Spears - Piece Of Me Lyrics

I’m Miss American Dream since I was 17
Don’t matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They still gonna put pictures of my derri?re in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece of me…

I’m Miss bad media karma
Another day, another drama
Guess I can’t see the harm
In working and being a mama
And with a kid on my arm
I’m still an exceptional earner
You want a piece of me

I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin
(You want a piece of me)

I’m Mrs. ‘You want a piece of me?’
Tryin’ and pissin’ me off
Well get in line with the paparazzi
Who’s flippin’ me off
Hopin’ I’ll resort to some havoc
End up settlin’ in court
Now are you sure you want a piece of me?
(you wan’ a piece of me…)
I’m Mrs. ‘Most likely to get on the TV for slippin’ on the streets’
When getting the groceries, not for real..
Are you kidding me?
No wonder there’s panic in the industry
I mean, please, do you want a piece of me?

I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin
(You want a piece of me)

I’m Miss American Dream since I was 17
Don’t matter if I step on the scene
Or sneak away to the Philippines
They still gon’ be pictures of my derri?re in the magazine
You want a piece of me?
You want a piece, piece of me…

You want a piece of me?
I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Lifestyles of the rich and famous
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Oh my God that Britney’s Shameless
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. Extra! Extra! this just in
(You want a piece of me)
I’m Mrs. she’s too big now she’s too thin
(You want a piece of me)
You want a piece of me

Britney Spears - Break The Ice Lyrics

Thursday, November 1st, 2007

Britney Spears - Break The Ice Lyrics

It’s been a while
I know I shouldn’t have kept you waiting
But I’m here now

I know it’s been a while
But I’m glad you came
And I’ve been thinking ’bout
How you say my name
Got my body spinning
Like a hurricane
And it feels like
You got me going insane
And I can’t get enough
So let me get it up

Ooh, looks like we’re alone now
You ain’t gotta be scared
We’re grown now
I’m a hit defrost on you
Let’s get it blazin’
We can turn the heat up if you wanna
Turn the lights down low if you wanna
Just wanna move you
But you’re froze up
That’s what I’m saying

Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Once you warm up to me
Baby I can make you feel
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Once you warm up to me
Baby I can make you feel

So you warming up yet?
You got me hypnotized
I never felt this way
Got my heart beating

Like an 808
Can you rise to the occasion?
I’m patiently waiting
Cause it’s getting late
And I can’t get enough
So let me get it up

Ooh, looks like we’re alone now
You ain’t gotta be scared
We’re grown now
I’m a hit defrost on you
Let’s get it blazin’
We can turn the heat up if you wanna
Turn the lights down low if you wanna
Just wanna move you
But you’re froze up
That’s what I’m saying

Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Once you warm up to me
Baby I can make you feel
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Once you warm up to me
Baby I can make you feel

I like this part
Feels kinda good

Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Once you warm up to me
Baby I can make you feel
Let me break the ice
Allow me to get you right
Once you warm up to me
Baby I can make you feel

Britney Spears - Radar Lyrics

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Britney Spears - Radar Lyrics

Confidence is a must
Happiness is a plus
Edginess is a rush
Edges (I like ‘em rough)
A man with a Midas touch
Intoxicate on the rush
Stop you’re making me blush
People are looking at us

I don’t think you know (know)
I’m checking it so hot (so hot )
I Wonder if he knows he’s on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
And if I notice you I know it’s you. Choose you don’t wanna lose you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)

When you walk (when you walk) when you talk (when you talk)
I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that’s what I want (that’s what I want)
And listen baby don’t try to debate it.. try to make you understand you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
On my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

Interesting sense of style
Ten million dollar smile
Think I cant handle that
Animal in the sack
His eyes see right to my soul
I surrender self-control
Catch me looking again
Falling right into my bed..

I don’t think you know (know)
I’m checking it so hot (so hot )
Wonder if he knows he’s on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
And if I notice you I know it’s you
Choose you don’t wanna lose you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)
I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that’s what I want (that’s what I want)
And listen baby don’t debate it.. try to make you understand you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)

On my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR
On my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

I got my eye on you… and I cant let you get away…
Hey baby whether it’s now or later (I’ve got you)
You cant shake me (no)
Cuz I got you on my radar
Whether you like it or not, it ain’t gonna stop
Cuz I got you on my radar (I’ve got you)
Cuz I got you on my radar

I’m checking it so hot (so hot)
Wonder if he knows he’s on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
And if I notice you I know it’s you. Choose you don’t wanna lose you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)
I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that’s what I want (that’s what I want)
And listen baby don’t debate it… try to make you understand you’re on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
On my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR
On my radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

Da-da-da-da-da-da-dadadadadadada… da da da.
Da-da-da-da-da-da-dadadadadadada… da da da da da da da

Britney Spears - Baby Boy Lyrics

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Britney Spears - Baby Boy Lyrics

Everyday, I’m in a daze
Looking for that someone
And everyday, I sit and kneel and prayer
Oh, sweet love, can I get some?
So why do you desert me, baby boy?
I need your love right now!
And if you desert me, baby boy
Don’t you leave me in your crowd

Hey baby, what time you gonna get home?
Oh, really?
Alright, well, I’ll see you later, then
Oh, wait
Would you mind getting some…
Yeah, when you come home
Yeah, that’s it
I love you too

[Singing again]
Some day when you see my face
You will think that you have won
And some day when it’s all away
Our love just begun
So why did you desert me, baby boy?
I thought that you, you were the one
So if you preferred the other one
She won’t bring you the sun

Fakta Tentang Justin Bieber

 Fakta Tentang Justin Bieber

Fakta-fakta Justin Bieber ini FIANZONER dapatkan dari berbagai sumber. Semoga terhibur...

Nama Lengkap: Justin Drew Bieber

Lahir di Stratford, Ontario, Kanada 

Saat ini tinggal di Atlanta, Georgia

Birthday: 1 Maret 1994

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Nama Ibunya adalah Patty Mallette

Nama Ayahnya adalah Jeremy Bieber

Dia memiliki seekor anjing bernama Sammy (Pappillion)

Best Friend: Butler Ryan yang muncul dalam Video klip "One Time" bersama Justin

Youtube Account: Kidrauhl 

 Makanan Favorit: Spaghetti

Favorite Candy: Sour Patch Kids

Warna Favorite: Biru

Warna Favorite Untuk dipakai : Ungu
 Celebrity Crush: Beyonce

Music Favorite: R&B dan Pop

Artis Favorite: Usher, Michael Jackson, BoysIImen, Stevie Wonder

Nomor Favorite: 6

Favorite Pasta gigi: Colgate

Dia sikat gigi di kamar mandi

Acara favorit: Smallville

Favorite Movie: Rocky

Olahraga Favorite : Sepak Bola 

 Dia mulai belajar nge-drum pada usia 12 tahun

Kata-kata Favorite: "shawty" 

Ukuran sepatu: 7 - 7 1 / 2

Tinggi: 5 '3 1 / 2 "

Dia memiliki IPK 4,0

Dia bersekolah di rumah 

Dia fasih berbahasa Perancis

Sebelum ia mulai bernyanyi, ia ingin menjadi pemain hoki profesional seperti idolanya Wayne Gretskey

Dia pernah ditanya Rihanna untuk berkencan, tapi dia menolaknya

Cara ia bermain piano, drum, terompet dan gitar dengan menggunakan tangan kiri

Pelajaran terbaiknya : Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris

 Dia tidak menyukai cokelat (Tapi mencintai Twix)

Dia bisa memecahkan kubus rubix di bawah satu menit

 Merek Sepatu Favorit: Supra

Dia tidak memakai hairspray

Dia membutuhkan waktu 10 menit untuk bersiap-siap

Dia meniup rambutnya supaya kering 

Film Romantis Favorite nya : A Walk To Remember

Ia takut pada eskalator 

Ketika ia berumur 7 tahun , dia bermain "Petak Umpet" dengan sepupunya. Sepupunya menutup dirinya dalam kotak mainan dan ia terjebak di sana.

Pertama pada usia 13 tahun, di sebuah sekolah dance. Ibunya berkata bahwa ia harus berciuman saat berumur 16 tahun

Moment Paling Memalukan: Dia sedang kencan dengan seorang gadis di sebuah restoran Italia dan ia 
mengenakan kemeja putih. Dia memesan spaghetti dan tumpah di bagian depan kemejanya, Mereka tidak keluar lagi.

Yang dia suka dari seorang gadis : Sebuah senyuman yang baik dan mata cantik dan kepribadian yang besar, dan rasa humor.

Sejauh ini, dia udah berpacaran tiga kali.pacar pertamanya dan yang paling dikenal adalah Caitlin Beadles.

 Dia berteman baik dengan Selena Gomez dan mereka saling bertukar nomor handphone.